We would like your feedback about issues you get with the remember position in timelines and the fetch more feature.
Please, if you are concerned try to describe as much as possible when it occurs. Thank you.
The "fetch more" message with arrows sometimes appears when there is nothing to fetch in the end. So I don't know if it's loading time or if there is just nothing.
Might put a loading thingy when you click, or better, check there is at least one message before making it appear ?
Yes, we still have an issue with detection (displayed where it should not). We are on it :)
I just don't get why fetch more always fetches more from the earlier posts and not the later posts. I mean it fills up "from the bottom", not " from the top"...
the right arrows pointing up fetch from the older side
the left arrows pointing down fetch from the newer side
@apps This got way better in recent releases! However, I seldomly encounter a situation which I *think* goes like this:
1. I scroll upwards, there are loads of new posts above.
2. I reach the "fetch more" bar and press "^".
3. Fetching is slow, so maybe I'm scrolling up some more posts before it finishes.
4. Fetching is finished, but now my position suddenly is somewhere near the top.
However, I can't seem to reproduce this everytime. Maybe fetching has to have just the right slowness?
@apps it's annoying to fetch more and have the timeline jump on load, so that it effectively forgets your position. This issue has been reported before, and attempts have been made to fix jumps, but they're a persistent issue.
In principle, there should not be a button. It should happen in the background.
And posts that were slow to come can appear slightly out of order so I see them when I scroll.
Yes, we planned to add that but as a feature.
When I tap on push notifications coming from a different mastodon account, Fedilab switches to that account. When I switch back to the previous account, I experience big holes in my timeline and fetch more button does not appear at all, neither if I close and restart the app: it is impossible to get the missing toots.
Still experiencing gaps in the timeline. For instance browsing older messages from 14h ago, then fetching more, new messages are only 4h old. There is an issue about it on codeberg. not sure if these gaps come from the API from the home instance (chaos.social) or are a bug in Fedilabs.
I have the same problem but after some digging I discovered that Mastodon has a hard-coded limit of 400 messages in the home timeline, and messages that you have filtered out counts towards that limit. If you follow lots of people / tags / chatty accounts, it becomes effectively impossible to keep up within the home timeline if you are not glued to your phone/computer.
I would love it if Fedilab added an option to regularly fetch the home timeline in the background.
Sometimes it works fine for me, sometimes it doesn't. Could it be because I have some follows muted for home?
@apps suggestion to improve UX: currently when I click the button to load more, the bar disappears, makes it look like there was nothing to load. The bar should remain with a spinner instead.
This is kind of related but I'll sometimes have a big chunk of posts just missing. Like I'll have stuff from 16 hrs ago and the next thing will be 12 hrs ago. I then go in and clear cache and restart and the gap gets filled in.
@apps Remembering position in timelime sometimes goes well, even overnight, and sometimes not at all, even after an hour not using Fedilab. It then jumps automatically to the newest messages and I can't prevent that. The Remember Position setting in option is always enabled.
Perhaps related: often when I start Fedilab, the screen is blank with a warning: there are no messages to display. I have to pull once or twice to get messages loaded.
Switched phone off before sleeping and after switching it on again I had to scroll back about ten toots because he toot shown was not the one I saw right before switching off, but the last before "fetch more messages".
Version: 3.16.3 on Android 12.
Another "old problem" is back. Just switched between two accounts and when I got back to the timeline I was reading I found myself at the top of it.
Two things I noticed:
1. got to the second account by clicking a notification, not by switching accounts in the app
2. before switching back to the first account I double clicked the home timelines tab symbol of the second account to get to its top
Btw, right now I manage 3 Mastodon accounts with the app.
Same procedure again. Noted two things:
1. switching back to account one without double clicking tab in account two caused jumping back one toot in account one. For me acceptable.
2. double click on tab in account two causes jump to top in account one too.
Btw, the third account was not affected. When I switched to it after at least switching twice between the other two I was well down in the timeline and pretty soon ran into "fetch more messages".
I wish it would jump to the next position of the fetch marker. I always have to scroll to the place where I can continue reading or fetching more.
Probably more a feature request than an issue report: I'd like to have my timelines and my position in each timeline synchronized between different devices of mine (e.g. between my tablet and my phone). That doesn't seem to be possible currently.
Not sure if it still is related to the issues mentioned.
When I switched on my phone this morning at the top of the TL was the toot I saw there last night. What me surprised, it still was marked as posted only 2 hours ago. Just scrolled a bit up and down in the TL and this changed to 10 hours.
When I further scrolled up I encountered the answer - 2h ago - of someone I follow to a toot - 3h ago - of someone else I follow, both public. But I never saw the original toot in my TL. There actually is a big gap in the TL. After the last toot from last night there are one of two dating back about 7 hours - around 6 am in Europe - and what follows was posted at most 2 hours ago. Now I wonder if nobody has posted between 6 am and 11 am, what I doubt.
Short explanation, I'm seven hours behind Central Europe and using 3.16.4 on Android 12 with all the new features introduced yesterday switched on.
Btw, I also did not get notifications about answers on my toots that came in during the mentioned period. But I just saw them in the notification timeline.
Mentioned period?
The five hours been 6am and 11am when supposedly nobody I follow posted.
Check with the Web app if you see missing messages.
@apps Well in the timeline at the web interface there I can see loads of toots between 6 am and 11 am.
But I also had problems updating the timeline in a Mastodon web interface I had open in Rambox. Only a restart of Rambox updated the TL. But now I see all toots I could not see in the app too. Thus I killed #Fedilab and started it again. The toots between 6 am and 11 am are still missing.
Clearing the cache from the app (main menu) might help.
Interestingly, now quite a few posts appear twice in the timeline. This for example as made 2 hours ago - when I actually saw it first - and again marked as sent 52 minutes ago.
That did the trick. Honestly, it did not occur to me that the cache might be the problem. Sorry for bothering.
@ElOssiPolar The problem, the app should have detected that holes and fetched messages remotely.
I'm confused now. It seems, that after clearing the cache the home timeline for mixed up. I can see every thing confusing replies. Will clear all cache again, did it only for home yet, and have a look.
After deleting the cache of all timelines in all accounts and not only the cache of the home timeline of the account in question everything seems to be back to normal.
Maybe related to a battery saver so the app didn't succeed to collect messages when device was in idle mode.
Will switch battery saving off and have a look. But as I mentioned, phone was off and thirst thing I did after switching it on, checking TL in #Fedilab.
Anyhow, I thought the new features "Home Cache" and "Fetching missing messages" would prevent messages from disappearing.
Edit: background activity was allowed.
When switching my Mastodon-Account to the Pixelfed-Account and back i'm on top of my Mastodon-Hometimeline, no memory of my position.