We will explain quickly how to follow Twitter/X accounts with #Fedilab.
- Open the main menu > Manage timelines
- Tap on the + button at the top right
- In the pop-up, enter usernames (space or comma between them)
- Once the timeline is pinned at the top, you can long press the tab to change the name or add/remove followed accounts.
@apps Does this add an actual "follower" to the Twitter account? or rack up page views for Twitter?
There are some accounts there I'd really like to see, but I want to limit how much I do anything that looks like "support" for the site
No, this is more like "spying an account". You will have no interactions and the app will never communicate with Twitter/X servers.
Our Nitter service will communicate with Twitter servers and you will get messages through it.
@apps Thank you for the explanation!
Is the Nitter service considered a "user" from Twitter's perspective?
Yes, because under the scene, Nitter needs a Twitter account to work. But for the final user using the service, there is no connection with Twitter.
Thanks. So if I and @HollyGoDarkly and any other Fedilab users take advantage of this spy, we are one single user. Thanks for the service. I'll contemplate using it.