is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A friendly instance about tech, apps and for having fun.

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¿Alguien de como activo la moderación desde Fedilab? Antes podía hacerlo pero en la nueva versión me desapareció la opción 🤷‍♂️

@SeverianX pregúntale directamente al buen Tom, si puede te contesta 🙂


You have to request admin scope when adding you account.


Done. Reports appear in my notifications now. Thanks!

However, I still do not see the moderation console, from which I used to solve reports :/


Fedilab Apps

What's your app version? Don't you see an admin item on the main menu?

No admin item. My version is 3.8.0 (433)

Updated, logout and login, et voilá!

Thank you very much
