#Fedilab 3.30.1 seems a really more stable release. We received only two crash reports.
Did you notice more stability recently?
I feel like it's more stable, but sudden timeline jumps increased.
Have you enabled auto-fetch missing messages? Or some options recently?
I have, but for quite a while already.
Before, the jumps mostly happened around the "load more messages" bars in the timeline. (Not sure how they're called. I use Fedilab in German.)
The jumps used to be pretty bad, then there were less for a while. Recently they often happen out of the blue while I'm in the middle of reading a post. My tolerance for frustration is pretty high, but sometimes it's hard to find where I left off.
If you read messages from older to newer ones, this is possible that the app tries to fetch more messages when scrolling up (there is a threshold that triggers this fetch). Maybe the jump appears when new messages are received. Before investing more, is it how you read your timelines?
Yes, older messages are at the bottom, and I scroll up for newer ones.
I also think this happens when the app fetches new messages. Maybe some problem with deciding the fix point (Do I stack new messages on the top or bottom of the currently visible posts?)
When the jumps happen, I often have to scroll more than 10 messages back to the bottom to find the post I was reading.
Thanks, bookmarked. We will investigate.
Thank you very much! :D
(I'm on Android 13 on a Fairphone 4 btw. The old kind of jumps happened on my old phone as well, though.)