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3.12.1 has been published for beta testers.

- Post random quotes
- Group reblogs in home timeline (default enabled)

- Display translate button only when language is different
- Respect blank spaces between words in messages
- Focus button more accessible when editing media

- Behavior with cw toggle
- Truncated gimini links

One question. Your repo Fedilab Apps is that only for beta testers? And it's this the reason why I can't update the Fedilab app installed from F-Droid repo with one from your repo?

Trying to do it through Neo Store always brings up a message that different certificates were used to sign the apps - even if it's the same version - and that I have to uninstall the old one first. Until now and with other apps this only had happened when I tried to downgrade.

If you want to use our custom repo, you first need to delete the app because fdroid uses its own key for signing apps. You should wait 2.12.0 that will allow to do a full backup / import of your accounts and settings.

Good point that I should wait. But I would have done it anyway. Already exported my data by could not import them again. Always got the error message: Keine Apps, mit denen geteilt werden kann - No apps with which can be shared. Hope that won't happen with 3.12.0 and above.

3.12.0 now uses a zip file with two files inside. One for restoring settings and the other one for the database. Compatibility only works after 3.12+

Just installed 3.12.0 but import does not work. Still get the error message: Keine Apps, mit denen geteilt werden kann - No apps with which can be shared.

Any idea why is that and how I can fix it?

Full export will work starting from 3.12+
Two apps need to run that version.

Well, just uninstalled 3.12.0 from F-Droid and installed same version from Fedilap App. Trying to import the settings I get the error message shown in the screen shot, even though it's the same app version. No clue what is wrong.

The export must be done from fedilab 3.12+ and the import also with 3.12+

Both are 3.12.0. That should be okay or did I get it wrong? Anyhow, since import doesn't work, I'll start configuration all over again. That takes less time than searching for the reason why it does not work.

Looking forward to checking out the new features 😀

Fedilab Apps

Could you confirm that the used export is a zip file? If it ends with ".fedilab", it's the old version that could explain that no apps can open it.

Yes ist it's y contains two files, see the screenshot.

Does the app has write/read permission?
You should be able to fetch directories to find the zip file.

It has permission to access media files and that's the only option with regard to file access offered. Furthermore I was able to open the screenshots and could export settings too. Btw, I use amaze as my standard file manager, but the preinstalled one still exists and had not been disabled. And I'm on Android 12.