Could you give us your feedback concerning your needs when following Twitter accounts through #Fedilab (with #Nitter).
What content do you want to see from these accounts ? (several answers possible)
PS: If few people are interested by seeing RT and especially quoted messages, the work won't be the same.
@apps it might help to include an option of "I won't use this" so you also get a sense of how much effort it's worth overall, compared to fediverse fixes and improvements.
Number of voters is a really good indicator that confirms your concern :)
@apps I voted on it just because I think it should be implemented in a certain way if it's going to be, but I wouldn't use it, so now I regret voting if it's going to push you in that direction!
Currently, we can bring a quick fix. We first have to build our own solution with our server (done).
And only small fixes from the previous code (mostly done).
We can perfectly publish that part in a first time and work on improvements later.
@apps I appreciate all that you do for everyone :)